Thursday, January 8, 2015

Mundane Muggle Musts

Doing chores is one of the most miserable, feet-dragging, dreaded activities that I have the displeasure of doing every day.

I've tried:

-calling them "tasks" because of the negative association with the word "chore".

-rewarding myself after chores with something fun.

-breaking them up into 5-10 minute periods of speed-cleaning throughout the week.

-making a weekly chore chart that's all color coded and fun

I'm still on the quest to make chores more bearable.

When I think about the witches and wizards in the Harry Potter series, and how they can use magic to do chores, I feel very jealous.

Even though I'm very magical, since I didn't go to Hogwarts, I haven't learned how to use magic to avoid or quickly finish chores.

I realized, this is a muggle problem. So, I'm making a chore list based on this fact. While I was researching other words for "chore", I found this:


The antonyms for "chore" are "happiness" and "peace"??? Sounds about right.

Here is my super awesome and fun chore list: "Mundane Muggle Musts"

You even get to check off each "must" with a snitch. How freaking cool is that? I'm grateful to FontMesa for making this awesome font, "Magic School".

If you would like your own magical chore list that might make housework a little less sucky, here you go. (let me know if the link doesn't work)

Also, please tell me if you have discovered some way to make chores a less awful, or even *gasp* enjoyable experience.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

29 Years Old

It occurred to me that I have a "double whammy" of new beginnings at the start of the new year, since my birthday is just a few days after New Years. 

I used to focus on the fact that everyone either missed my birthday completely (it was always over Xmas break), or that people would give me a "combo" present for Xmas/Birthday. 

I realized that in my past, I depended far too much on others being responsible for my happiness.

This is my last year of being in my '20's', and I intend to make the most of it.

I am responsible for my happiness, and for satisfying my own desires.

Any kindness that I receive from others is a beautiful, wonderful, supplemental bonus.

I am filled with warmth and light that comes from within me

It is my hope that we can all have the intention to depend on ourselves for our own happiness.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Be A Failure

In my (almost) 29 short years of life, I've quickly learned how much pressure and disappointment I can put on myself by creating new year resolutions. A resolution is so daunting/intimidating/looming. Instead, I have intentions.

(It's funny how changing one word can make such a difference.)

I don't just create intentions at the new year, this is something I like to think about year round. But still, there is something renewing about the idea of a fresh start with a new number; 2015.

I've been holding myself back. Big time.

In the past, I've been such a perfectionist, that I'd rather not do something at all than to do it, and have it be "sub-standard." This has been incredibly limiting for me, because that only leaves the things I'm super-duper good at! Granted, I think I'm a very talented individual, and that I happen to be good at a lot of things. But how will I grow, become more well-rounded, or discover new interests if I only do what I know I won't fail at?

Failure is scary. Not many people enjoy the feeling of screwing up on something.

Here's the kicker: It is especially painful if you attach your sense of worth to the success of an endeavor. If your value is based solely on how well you do something, a mistake can seem catastrophic.

Here's my truth:

Regardless of if I fail or succeed, I have value. My value doesn't change with the quality of my work our output. Failure or mistakes don't mean I'm less of a person. To try, knowing there's a significant chance for failure, is brave and admirable.

So this is my intention for 2015:

 I intend to step out of my comfort zone a little each day. If something inspires or intrigues me, may I take action to pursue this inspiration, with bravery and zeal. I intend to make friends with failure. I plan on spending a lot more time with my new friend this year.

How do you feel about failure? Is it this daunting, negative concept you avoid at all costs? What would happen if you let yourself fail? Remember, your worth is not dependent on the outcome. You have worth no matter what. I truly believe that you have something beautiful and meaningful to contribute to the world, even if you don't know what that is yet. It is inside of you, and each of us. Maybe we just need to let our new friend Failure lead us to the truth.

P.S.Do you like my inspirational hipster art at the top of the post? My "Hipspiration" if you will. :D

♥ Emily

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