Last night, New Year's Eve, my husband and I went downtown to spend New Years with friends. We went out for Ethiopian, then went to a friends condo, which just so happened to have an ideal view of the space needle from their window, and their roof. A few minutes before midnight, we all went up to the roof with our champagne and watched the stunning fireworks being shot off of the top of the Space Needle.
After a romantic New Years kiss, :D, we went down to Belltown and celebrated the new year. The streets and clubs were packed, and everyone was friendly and jubilant.
Promptly, at 4 AM, we went back to our friends condo on Capitol Hill, and zonked, sufficiently partied-out. At 10AM, I awoke to the sound of church bells playing a beautiful melody. Breakfast was waiting, and the coffee was hot.
My husband and I live a good ways out of the city, with a big yard, a stream, and forest out back. We've got a huge garage, and plenty of solitude, but there is something to be said for city life. I think last night was the best New Years I've ever experienced.
With a celebration like that, I'm confident my new year is going to be amazing. It's a good omen!
I hope all of your New Years were spectacular, and that you're ready for a new start.
Happy 2012!