Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eco-Chic in 2012

Now's a great time to start fresh with the new year. I've been examining my lifestyle, and I've realized that a lot of things get thrown away that needn't be. Here are some ideas for reusable items that you can either make yourself (if you're crafty), or buy.

Instead of:

Disposable Cotton Rounds

Reusable Cotton Rounds
Buy them here:

Or make them here:

Instead of:

Plastic Grocery Bags


Cloth Totes
Buy them here:

Or make them here:

Instead of:

Disposable Plastic Straws


Glass Straws
Buy them here:

If you can make them:
I'm impressed!

Instead of:

Plastic Sandwich Bags


Reusable Snack Bags
Buy them here:

Or make them here:

These are just a few ideas to start your new year greener! Your wallet will be happier, and your Mother Earth will be happier as well!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy, Happy New Year!

Last night, New Year's Eve, my husband and I went downtown to spend New Years with friends. We went out for Ethiopian, then went to a friends condo, which just so happened to have an ideal view of the space needle from their window, and their roof. A few minutes before midnight, we all went up to the roof with our champagne and watched the stunning fireworks being shot off of the top of the Space Needle.
After a romantic New Years kiss, :D, we went down to Belltown and celebrated the new year. The streets and clubs were packed, and everyone was friendly and jubilant.

 Promptly, at 4 AM, we went back to our friends condo on Capitol Hill, and zonked, sufficiently partied-out. At 10AM, I awoke to the sound of church bells playing a beautiful melody. Breakfast was waiting, and the coffee was hot.

My husband and I live a good ways out of the city, with a big yard, a stream, and forest out back. We've got a huge garage, and plenty of solitude, but there is something to be said for city life. I think last night was the best New Years I've ever experienced.

With a celebration like that, I'm confident my new year is going to be amazing. It's a good omen!

I hope all of your New Years were spectacular, and that you're ready for a new start.

Happy 2012!


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